BOSTON: Urgently seeking Albanian Interpreter II
We are looking for Albanian speaking person to help us with interpreter on 03/01 at 9.45 am at:
An Albanian Immigrant and Cultural Resource
I was delighted to see my old friend, Ilir Gjata, at the screening of the Albanian movie "Forgiveness of Blood" at the University of Massachusetts Boston last Tuesday night since he had once resolved some electrical work in my apartment.
MIRA BULLETIN: Quiet Good News vs.Shouting Bad: Wed. Feb. 15, 2012
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Register TODAY with the HOPELINE to work for the Boston Youth Fund
during the summer of 2012! All applicants must be residents of Boston
and be between the ages of 15 and 17 years old. You must turn 15 on or
before Jul 8, 2012 and cannot turn 18 on or before Aug 17, 2012.
Register online 24 hours a day until Mar 2 at 11:59pm. Or, call
617-635-HOPE (4673) on Feb 21, 22, or 23 from 10am-2pm. Registering with
the HOPELINE does NOT guarantee a summer job. Please call the Boston
Youth Fund with any questions, 617-635-4202. Check out a list of Summer
Work Sites that offered HOPELINE jobs last summer. |
ABCD SummerWorks Registration:
Apply for a summer job with SummerWorks! Register online 24 hours a day
and follow the step-by-step instructions (requires a working email
account). Read and complete the application with a parent or guardian. A
complete application includes a signed application, CORI form,
checklist, and eligibility documentation. You can also apply in person
at your local neighborhood ABCD office. Applicants must be residents of
Boston, be between the ages of 14 and 21 years old, and be income
eligible. Submitting an application does NOT guarantee a summer job.
617-348-6548, |
R.O.C.K. IT!!!
Boston R.O.C.K. It!!! Launch into Summer:
Check out the many opportunities available for summer 2012 at Emmanuel
College’s Yawkey Center gymnasium tomorrow, Feb 22, 11am-1pm. Boston
youth and their families are welcome to have fun with special guests,
entertainment, interactive games, and more! Emmanuel College, 400 The
Fenway, Boston. 617-635-4920, |
Check Out What Boston Centers for Youth & Families Have to Offer Over February Break!:
Participate in one of the many programs and activities offered by BCYF
during February School Vacation. Play sports, go on field trips,
participate in a modeling workshop, and more! For information on what
various centers are offering visit, |
Apply for the 2012-13 Mayor's Youth Council!:
Are you a high school sophomore or junior who wants to make a
difference in your community? Each year, teens from all over the city
are selected as volunteer representatives to outreach to peers, advocate
for youth issues, and meet with city officials. Applications available
at Applications due: Mar 30. 617-635-2240, |
February Newsletter:
Don’t forget to check out our February Newsletter for a complete list
of things to do over February School Vacation! Go to the Winter Festival
at Franklin Park, visit the MFA for free, and more! For more ideas for
February Vacation, check out |
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Highway construcion in Albania | Photo by : Besar Likmeta |
Regrettably, I had been notified by the publisher that the book " Best of Albanian Cooking: Favorite Family Recipes" by Klementina Hysa and R. John Hysa, that Frosina had offered in exchange for donations for several years, is no longer in print. Therefore, I would like to recommend another, excellent Albanian cookbook that can be purchased directly from an Albanian Women's Guild in Worcester, Massachusetts, as described below:
Gezuar Parvarsine e Kosoves!
MIRA Messages
Here's another little-known word, "Koran," in Albania:
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Here's a great opportunity to hear some authentic Albanian folk music from a BBC broadcast of a recent Music Festival in northern Albania. It's worth listening to!!
From: | |
Sent: |
Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 8:04 pm
To: |
Arberesh: the Christian Albanian emigration to Italy
by GIOVANNI ARMILLOTTA L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO Year CXLI - N 139 (42.777), Vatican City,Wednesday, June 20, 2001
Part Two
Pope Clement XI and the Albani
The ongoing objective of Clement
XI (Gian Francesco Albani, b. 1649, 1700-21) to unify Christianity had
significant results in Albania where the Catholic and Orthodox churches were
united for a period of time. Clement XI, after becoming aware of his Albanian
origins, became very interested in the political and religious rebirth of his
fatherland. During this period the "First Albanian National
Council" (1703) took place which decisively proclaimed clerical
guidelines relative to dogmatic, moral, canon and pastoral questions.
Meanwhile there was good news even for the orthodox church. After a first
attempt to arrive at some sort of unification did not work, a second attempt
was made to establish archbishoprics in Ocrida and Skopje. From 1628, a
mission of Byzantine rite had already taken hold in Himara. In the 18th
century in the northeastern and central areas of Albania appeared the
phenomena of crypto-Christianity, which is present even in our time (in particular
during the Enverist period). Among those who embraced Islam, many preferred
the sect that was the most heterodox and closer to Christianity - the
The Albani family was founded by two Albanian brothers, George and Fillip of Michele deí Lazi, previously fighters under Skenderbeg. They found refuge in Urbino, where Federico and Guidobaldo from Montefeltro entrusted them with diplomatic matters during wartime. They took the last name"Albanesi" that Altobello (1445-1564) son of George, changed to "Albani." The Albani family, besides Clement XI, produced other illustrious personages -- cardinals, diplomats, and important statesmen: Giovanni Girolamo, (1509-91), cardinal, vice commander of armed forces of the Serenissima Republic, in two conclaves candidate in Soglio di Pietro, stereograph and personal judicial consultant of Gregorio XIII (1572-85) and Sisto V (1585-90); Orazio (1576-1653): diplomat, appointed senator of Rome by Urbano VIII (1623-44); Anibale (1682-1751): canon of St. Peter, president of the Apostolic Council, secretary of Memoriali, cardinal (1711) and extraordinary diplomatic representative in Vienna, where he worked for the ratification of the election of Emperor Carlo VI (1711-40), representative of St. Romana church, arch-priest in Vatican Basilica, bishop of Sabina and then of Porto and Santa Rufina, vice doyen at the Sacred College; Alessandro (1692-1779); at the age of fifteen colonel of the armed pontificate who gave up a military career, secretary of Memoriali, correspondent in Vienna, cardinal (1721), librarian in St. Romana church, Austrian ambassador in Rome, protector of the Sardinian kingdom, protector and friend of Winckelmann, constructor of the Albani Villa, and an extraordinary patron; Gian Francesco (1720-1803) cardinal (1753), protector of Polish Affairs, participated in the negotiation with Caterina II (1762-93) to regulate the situation of Catholics in Russia, bishop of Sabina then of Porto and Santa Rufina until in 1775 when he became doyen of the Sacred College, bishop in Ostia and Valletri, defender of the Pontific State against the French revolution and supporter of the election of Clement XIII (1758-1769) and Pius VII (1800-23); Giuseppe (1750-1834): representative of the counsel of Pius VI (1755-99), was sent to Vienna to get the blessed strip for the baptism of archbishop Ferdinando who afterwards became Emperor (1833-48), cardinal (1801), protector of the Austrian Empire, pre-secretary of Brevi and the League of Bologna, Secretary of State for Pius VIII (1829-30), librarian in Santa Romana church, bishop of Urbino and legate of Pesaro and Urbino. In 1852 the family tree was extended with Filippo. In the East, we find another great Albanian family of royal vizirs of the Ottoman Empire, contemporaries of the Albani in XVII-XVIII century: the Kepryly (Koprulu). Even before Clement XI, we find there were three other pontiffs of Albanian origin: Saint Eleutherius, (175-189), Saint Caius, (283-296) and John IV (640-642).
General Yearbook of the Italian
towns and villages. ICI Milan, 1980; (Pontific Yearbookî, Editorial
Libraries, Vatican City, 1999, p. 1161; Giuseppe Castellani (dir), History of
Religion, UTET, Turin, 1971, 6th ed, vol. IV, p. 645; Catholic Encyclopedia,
Vatican City, 1948, vol. 1, pp. 636-50, Italian Encyclopedia, Rome 1949, vol.
II, p. 92; Vincenzo Fucci, On the Origins of Albanians of St. Giorgio Lucano,
"Basillicata Region ñ News", Potenza, n. 1, 1996, p. 79-84 Hubert
Jedin (dir), History of the Church, Juca Book, Milan, 1993, 2nd ed, vol. IX,
P. 445-6, Allan Kruja, Kosovo, The Survival of a People, The right historic
causes of a conflict, Illiria Edition, Rimini, 2000, 2nd ed, p. 52-4,
ìLibertyî, Piacenza, August 22, 1990; Angelo Masci, discussions on Albanians
of the Naples kingdom (1807) Marco Lungro, 1990; Mona, Pelzer (dirr),
Ecclesiastical Dictionary, UTET, Turin, 1953, vol 1, p. 76; Bruno Pancini, A
minority of Albanian origins in the province of Piacenza? Credible research
conducted at the end of 400 or at the beginning of 500 shed light on the
settlement of two family trees: the Toscs and the Albanians, "Albanian
Reality", Rome I (1990), n. 1 April, p. 23-4; Ivana Tanga, The story of
the Albanian community in Ivi, Italy. p. 24.
thanks Franka Misho for her translation from the original Italian into
Charles Dickens was born 200 years ago today, so to celebrate the birth of my favorite author, below are quotes from some of his books. Enjoy!
All those Albanian artists and others out there should check out ARTIST NEWS, A Periodic eNewsletter from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, by getting on the mailing list of to get the latest news about Drawing, Painting, and Traditional Arts. Learn about grants, classes, competitions and other interesting 'artsy-craftsy' news!
From: Tedja Kokoneshi <t8koko@gmail.
JVS’ Bridges to College will begin its new cycle on Monday Jan. 23.
I was a bit dismayed to read this important posting on BIRN ( about the poor condition of music schools in Kosova and would be willing to serve on a committee to help raise funds and, especially, musical instruments, for Kosova's schools.