Tuesday, January 31, 2012

BOSTON: Free English Classes

Hello, We are contacting regarding the Evening class we are currently offering, to anyone interested. We would really appreciate if you would direct any prospect students to our school. Please note that we accept anyone interested, without discrimination. The only condition is that they are over 16 and that they take our placement test. We are offering these classes as e a Teacher Training center, looking for students for teaching practice. Please find the details bellow and as well a flyer in the attachment. Thank you for your consideration! International House Boston 1 Faneuil Hall | South Market 1, 3rd floor Boston, MA 02109 T: +1 617 939 9318 | F: +1 646.219.7759 www.ihboston.com www.toeflcourseboston.com www.thboston.com

Seeks translation assistance

I met Alfred only a few months ago and found him to be both personable and friendly. I hope someone will come forward to help him with his translation request below! *** hi Van...i have some papers about my grandfather when he served time in jail under the communist regime back in 1966, i want them to be translated in english. i dont know if you can help me about it. thank you .ALFRED Reply to: : a.karavella@hotmail.com

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hats off to Don Leka!

Donald Leka is the accomplished son of my dear friend of over 50 years, Dr. Agim Leka, so I'm pleased to post this latest recognition of his talented son, Don.


Albanian-American Donald Leka Selected Among 300 of the World's Most Respected Innovators to Participate in "The Intersection" Event at Pixar Animation Studios On January 14, 2012

Albanian-American Entrepreneur and Technology Innovator, Donald Leka, was among 300 of the most respected innovators in the world hand selected to participate in the prestigious, "The Intersection" Event on January 14, 2012 at Pixar Animation Studios just outside of San Francisco. Each innovator was carefully selected by The Intersection Event Committee to apply his or her talents to tackle the most pressing issues of our time. The venue for the event, Pixar Animation Studios is an incredible facility created by Steve Jobs and the Pixar team to stimulate the creation of the most innovative animation films in history.

Leka is one of only 300 carefully selected innovators in the world in the areas of technology, science, business, education, venture capital, faith, activism and charity. The President of Pixar, Ed Catmull, Oscar winning actress Susan Sarandon and AOL founder Steve Case are among the key leaders attending the event to share thoughts about leading trends/ideas in personal creativity, team and organizational innovation and social impact.

The focus of the Intersection Event is not entertainment or profit or policy. It is social change and how innovation can improve the world we live in.

Here is some additional information.
Donald Leka

Glide OS

Friday, January 13, 2012

Van Christo's Commentary about Albanian elections

Because visitors to the Frosina Blog have responded favorably to my initial Commentary in 1991 about the then-upcoming elections in Albania, I am posting it once again because I believe it continues to be so timely.


Pavlov's Reflexes of Freedom/Obedience
(and how they may possibly relate to the upcoming elections in Albania)

Through one of the characters in his novel "RED SQUARE," author Martin Cruz Smith discusses a phenomenon observed by Pavlov -- a reflex of freedom. Pavlov said that this reflex was the reason he was unable to produce a conditioned response in some of the dogs he studied, and he proposed that the reflex also existed in human populations. As the character in Smith's novel puts it:

"In Western societies the reflex of freedom was pronounced. In Russian societies, however, (Pavlov) said there was a dominant reflex of obedience. 'This was not a moral judgement, only a scientific observation. And since the October Revolution and seventy years of communism. you can imagine how complete that reflex of obedience has become...so that expectations of any genuine democracy should be realistic."

It is my strong hope that the reflex of freedom will prevail in the upcoming Albanian elections. I trust that the country will persist in its drive toward complete democratization, and that it will eventually free itself completely of almost fifty years of Hoxha mind-set by enacting those reforms that would make Albania the inspirational example of true democracy in the Balkan nations.

History has been unkind to Albania since the Great Powers of 1878 reconfigured the map of Eastern Europe by ceding the major portions of the four vilayets that comprised Ethnic Albania to Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, and Greece.

By adhering to the noblest principles of democracy, and by making disparaging examples of those who do not, Albania can show Europe and the rest of the world just who the Albanians are and why they are worthy of an honored position in the community of free nations.


Reflekset e Pavllovit Per Lirine dhe Bindjen

Me ane te njeri prej personazheve te romanit te tij "Sheshi i Kuq," autori Martin Cruz Smith shqyrton nje fenomen te verejtur nga Pavllovi te quatur "refleksi i lirise." Pavllovi shrehet se ky refleks ishte arsyeja qe ai nuk mundi te gjente reagimin perkates ne disa nga qente qe ai studioi, dhe Pavllovi arriti ne perfundimin se ky refleks gjendej edhe tek njerezit. Personazhi ne romanin e Smithit shprehet lidhur me kete:

"Ne shoqerite Perendimore refleksi i lirise eshte i dukshem. Ne shoqerine Ruse, megjithate, shprehet Pavllovi, dominon "refleksi i peruljes." Ky nuk ishte nje gjykim moral, po nje vezhgim shkencor. Dhe qe nga Revolucion i Tetorit e gjate 70 vjeteve te sundimit kommunist, mund te imagjinohet se sa i plote eshte bere refleksi i peruljes...aq sa shpresat per nje demokraci te vertete duhet te jene realiste."

Kam shpresa re medha se refleksi i lirise do te mbizoteroje ne zgjedhjet e ardhshme ne Shqiperi. Kam besim se vendi do te vazhdoje me kembengulije ecen drejte demokratizimit te plote, dhe do te zhvishet plotesist nga mentaliteti pothuajse pesedhjetvjecar i Hoxhes duke vene ne jete ato reforma qe do ta benin Shiperine shembull frymezimi te demokracise se vertete ne gjirin e kombeve te Ballkanit. Historia ka qene e padrejte me Shqiperine qe nga viti 1878 kur Fuqite e Medha rikrijuan harten e Evropes Lindore duke shkeputur pjese te medha nga te kater vilajetet qe perbenin Shqiperine Ethnike e duke ua dhene ato Malit te Zi, Serbise, Maqedonise, dhe Greqise, Duke iu permbatjtur parimeve me te larta te demokracise, e duke u bere shembull per ato qe nuk i permbahen ketre parimeve, Shqiperia mund ti tregoje Evropes dhe gjithe botes se kush jane Shqipetaret dhe perse ata meritojne nje vend nderi ne komunitetin e kombeve te lira.

posted by Van Christo @ 2:41

Monday, January 9, 2012

BOSTON: Immigration Advice

Immigration Advice
MONB Immigration Clinics

The Mayor’s Office of New Bostonians offers free immigration clinics where constituents meet privately with immigration attorneys to discuss their concerns regarding any aspect of the immigration process.

Location & Times
First and third Wednesdays of every month from 12-2pm
Boston City Hall, Room 804 (8th floor)
2012 Immigration Advice Schedule

Please note: Our volunteer attorneys can only offer advice. If an individual needs legal representation after having attended the consultation, the attorneys have been asked to provide a 15%-30% discount based on the constituent's income.

The U.S. Department of Justice publishes this list of legal service providers that provide free and low-cost immigration legal services in Massachusetts.

Friday, January 6, 2012

World Bank to Help Albania Mitigate Effects of Crisis

Here's another way for me to call attention to the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) - www.birn. com - to find little-known or unusual news about Albania and Kosova.


World Bank to Help Albania Mitigate Effects of Crisis

The World Bank will expand its funding of Western Balkan countries to help them respond to the impact of the Euro zone debt crisis.

Besar Likmeta

“The main objective of the increased lending envelope for Western Balkan countries, including Albania, is to help them prepare for and effectively respond to external shocks, while at the same time preserving focus on structural reforms and social safety nets which are essential for maintaining sustainable growth,” the bank said in a statement on Friday.

The Albanian government is expected to use the additional World Bank assistance to reduce its fiscal vulnerability and help safeguard economic and financial stability for continued growth and job creation.

According to the Bank, global growth slowed in 2011 and the economic outlook for Europe has deteriorated considerably in the wake of the deepening Euro area crisis.

The Western Balkans region is very sensitive to overall economic growth in the European Union, its largest trade partner.

“It is further vulnerable to changes in monetary and financial conditions in European countries whose banks are the dominant asset holders in Western Balkan countries,” the global lender said.

“Remittances flows into Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina are equivalent to about 10 percent of GDP and these flows have been already affected by a slowdown in Euro-zone economic growth,” it added.
