Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another Tip of the Frosina Cap to Boston Mayor Tom Menino!

Office of the Mayor
Thomas M. Menino

For Immediate Release:                                                 For More Information Contact:
Thursday, June 28, 2012                                                 Press Office, 617-635-4461

Statement of Mayor Thomas M. Menino
on Supreme Court Decision to Uphold the Affordable Care Act

“Like many others who believe that access to healthcare is fundamental, I strongly support the Supreme Court’s decision today to uphold the major provisions of the Affordable Care Act.  This legislation, like the law we passed in Massachusetts, will extend coverage to millions of uninsured Americans, level the playing field between consumers and insurance companies and help us to contain runaway healthcare spending.  I am pleased that the benefits we have enjoyed since the law passed remain on firm legal footing and that the Obama Administration is able to continue with implementation of this groundbreaking legislation.”    

– Mayor Thomas M. Menino

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Frosina tip of the hat to Boston Mayor Tom Menino

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Office of the Mayor
Thomas M. Menino

For Immediate Release:                                                       For More Information Contact:
Monday, June 25, 2012                                                            Press Office, (617) 635-4461

Statement of Mayor Thomas M. Menino on the
U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on
Arizona’s Immigration Law

“Today’s 5-3 decision to strike down the key parts of Arizona’s immigration law by the U.S. Supreme Court is moving the dialogue in the right direction,”  Mayor Menino said “This shows a commitment to the well-being of immigrants, who seek the full protection of its law, rather than focusing on arresting and deporting people for minor immigration charges.”

“America is the land of opportunity and whether we are talking about an older or newer wave of immigrants, most of them are coming to the U.S. with a similar goal, the promise of a better life.”

Mayor Menino today reacted to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on the controversial State of Arizona enacted statute called the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act, often referred to a S.B. 1070, which dictated the role of local law enforcement and specific arrest authority within Arizona’s strict law to target illegal immigrants.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Scanderbeg's helmet and sword returning to Albania?

According to a recent meeting between Albania's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edmond Haxhinasto, and his Austrian counterpart, Michael Spindelegger, there is a good possibility that the  actual helmet and sword of Albania's 15th century folkhero, Gjergj Kastrioti surnamed Scanderbeg, will be returned to Tirana on November 28, 2012, as part of its historic commemoration of Albania's Flag Day - Dita e Flamurit - which marked Albania's independence from the Ottoman Empire on that date in 1912.

 Scanderbeg's helmet and sword have been on longtime  exhibit at the Kunthistorisches Museum in Vienna where Jane and I had the good fortune to view them in person.  And it was with thanks to the Museum's director Dr. Matthais Pfaffenbichter, who provided me with official photographs of Scanderbeg's sword and helmet and the most interesting history of how they eventually ended up in the Vienna museum. 

-Van Christo

Source:   [memedheu] Austria: Do të sjellim në Tiranë përkrenaren dhe shpatën e Skënderbeut
luigj shkodrani  Add to Contacts
Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 10:02 am

Scandebeg Helmut

Ceremonial Helmet

Italian, circa 1460 Bright steel, bells of Italian design. Lower border and neck protection removed where corrosion and cracks have appeared. These have been covered by a sown-in leather band under which the former coverlet of gold silk remains. Adjusted copper headstrap bound by gold ornamental borders decorated with six rosettes of which the copper gilt original is in the neck - the remaining five are restorations of the 16th century. Between the rosettes inscription: in/per/ra/to/re/bt. helmet ornament in the form of a goat's head of embossed, engraved gilt sheet copper with gilt ornamental border. A hole in the helmet originally served for fastening Scanderbeg's crest.

Oriental Sword

Oriental Sword

Near East, 15th century Wide, double-edged blade with rounded tip. At the head of the front side are gold inlaid leaf ornaments - a circular medallion and a band of indecipherable Arabic script. Later grip of Turkish style with blackened handle hood parrying rod with leather-covered handle. Even later sheath of black leather with pressed knotted pattern and simple ornamental iron carrying strap as well as positioning strap. On the reverse side, red oil-painted incription of the Ambrasian armory: "Sk'anderwech."

See Frosina infobit "Scanderbeg's Helmet and Sword in Austrian Museum" under "Infobits" (History and Culture) at to read how they eventually got to Austria from Albania.

Boston Mayor Menino's statement on deferred action for young immigrants

Description: cid:image001.png@01CD1D74.143FCDB0
Office of the Mayor
Thomas M. Menino

For Immediate Release:                                                        For More Information Contact:
Friday, June 15, 2012                                                               Press Office, (617) 635-4461

Statement of Mayor Thomas M. Menino on
 Department of Homeland Security’s
Deferred Action Process for Young Immigrants

Mayor Menino today reacted to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s policy change that will allow young people who were brought to the United States as young children, through no fault of their own, to receive deferred action. For a period of two years, subject to renewal, they will be eligible to apply for work authorization.

Our country was founded by immigrants.  By fueling entrepreneurship and innovation, they created the American Dream. They continue to create jobs in our communities, invigorate our neighborhoods, and support and defend our nation through the various branches of military service.

This announcement made today by the Obama Administration and DHS represents an important step towards comprehensive immigration reform. This policy change will allow our “DREAMers,” or young immigrants, to embrace the full advantage of their education and pursue better economic opportunities.”


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ndihme kerkohet per dy projekte!

Pershendetje te gjitheve,

Ne rast se keni mundesi, ju lutem ndani $5, $10 apo cfardo shume qe
deshironi per keto dy projekte:

1) Song to Save a Child- A Short Film project in Los Angeles, CA by
Antoneta Kastrati
Kane ngelur vetem 5 dite qe Antoneta te permbushe shumen e nevojshme!

2) Eliza Dushku's Untitled "Albania" Documentary

Po ashtu, mundesisht shperndani kete e-mail/info ftese per perkrahje
me familjaret, miqet dhe te gjithe dashamiret e shqipetareve dhe
projekteve artistike!

Gjithe te mirat dhe shume faleminderit

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mayor's Office of NEW BOSTONIANS

Mayor's Office of New Bostonians


Welcome, bienvenidos, 欢迎, chào mừng, benvindos, Добро пожаловать, byenveni, benvenuto, bienvenue!

The purpose of the Mayor’s Office of New Bostonians (MONB) is to strengthen the ability of diverse cultural and linguistic communities to play an active role in the economic, civic, social and cultural life in the city of Boston. MONB acts as a catalyst for providing opportunity, access and equality for immigrants, and highlights the contributions and the essential role that immigrants have played and continue to play in making Boston the world class city that it is.

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    We Are Boston Gala

    Learn more about MONB’s annual fundraising gala which celebrates Boston’s diverse heritage and commemorates immigrants’ contributions and achievements. More Information »
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    New Bostonians Summit Initiative

    The New Bostonians Summit Initiative is a multi-year, city-wide process which brings together leaders from seven sectors to address the top priorities identified by Boston's immigrant communities: ESOL, K-12 Education and Jobs. More Information »
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    English for New Bostonians

    ENB is a strategic, public-private-community collaboration founded by MONB in 2001 to improve access to ESOL programs in the city of Boston.
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    Community Resource Directory

    Browse our interactive, online database of community-based organizations that work with immigrants, refugees and newcomers in and around Boston. This comprehensive Directory is searchable by name, location, population served, languages on staff, and services offered. You can also submit your own agency’s listing. View the Online Resource Directory »
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    New Bostonians Publications

    Guides to assist immigrants to access city and community resources.
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Friday, June 8, 2012

BOSTON: Additional appearance by Holocaust survivorJohanna Neumann

Besa: The Promise
Monday, June 11, 2012 at 7:00pm (Reception at 6:00pm)
Boston University Photonics Center (8 St. Mary's Street, Room 206, Boston, MA)
The USHMM and The Florence and Chafetz Hillel House at Boston University invite you to a preview screening of Besa: The Promise, a new documentary about the unique history of Muslim Albanians who welcomed and protected Jewish refugees during World War II.  

Following the film, Holocaust survivor and Museum employee Johanna Neumann will discuss her own rescue by an Albanian family with Museum Historian Edna Friedberg.  Years after her rescue, Johanna went to great lengths to have her rescuers honored as Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem.

The program is free but reservations are required.  RSVP to the USHMM New England Regional Office at or (202)-488-6585.