Monday, March 19, 2012

Massachusetts Cultural Council

I am happy to champion the works and activities of the Massachusetts Cultural Council and am pleased to post its information on the Frosina Blog!
In the interests of Education and Youth Development, I urge visitors to the Frosina Blog to get on its mailing list!

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Creative Minds is a periodic e-newsletter published by the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC). The MCC seeks to ensure that all Massachusetts young people have access to quality, creative learning experiences in school and out of school.
Visit Creative Minds, the MCC's online resource for arts education and creative learning in Massachusetts.
March is Youth Art Month
Youth Art Month is an annual observance each March to emphasize the value of art education for all children and encourage support for quality school art programs, according to the National Art Education Association. Governor Deval Patrick has issued a proclamation declaring March Youth Art Month in Massachusetts. A copy of the proclamation can be found on the MCC website.
The MCC sees this 50-plus-year-old tradition as a way to highlight the power of the arts and creative learning to improve education and transform the lives of young people.
To that end, we are working to restore our state appropriation to support arts education and creative learning in the humanities and sciences in school and out of school. A key phase in the state budget process for the next fiscal year is the release of the House Ways and Means Committee's proposal in April. Go here to learn more about how you can help us secure more resources for your work.
Need advocacy inspiration? Go here to see a video from our recent State House gathering in which a high-powered panel of leaders discuss the importance of education in the arts.

High School Students Compete in Poetry Out Loud
Youth Art Month is also Poetry Out Loud Month for high school students across Massachusetts and the nation. The Huntington Theatre Co. runs our version of this national contest that brings poetry into classrooms in dynamic ways and grows students' speaking skills and self-confidence. (The project is made possible with support from the MCC, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Poetry Foundation.)
Competitions occur this weekend in Boston, Springfield, Framingham, and Yarmouth. Judges will choose students from each of these contests to compete at the State Finals Sunday, March 11 at 9:30 a.m. at Boston's Old South Meeting House, site of the historic meeting of colonists that led to the Boston Tea Party and a haven for free speech today. All competitions are free and open to the public. The state champion will travel to Washington, D.C. to represent Massachusetts in the National Finals in April. Go to the Huntington's Poetry Out Loud site for more information.

Register for Mass. Afterschool Partnership (MAP) Advocacy Day
Do you provide afterschool experiences in the arts, humanities and sciences to young people? If so, MCC encourages you to attend the Mass. Afterschool Partnership (MAP) annual State House Advocacy Day Thursday, March 22. MAP is our partner in conveying the importance of arts and culture for young people to legislators on Beacon Hill. And we want to tell your stories of why this work deserves public support. To learn more and register go here.

Arts and Juvenile Justice 2012 Exhibition
MCC is a proud member of the DYS Arts Infusion Task Force, a statewide initiative to create arts opportunities for young people involved with the state Department of Youth Services. "The Arts & Juvenile Justice" is an exhibition of artwork created by some of these youth, and it is on view through March 30 at the Moakley US Courthouse in Boston. Go here for more details on the exhibition.

Join the Statewide e-Showcase for Youth Art Month
Help us unleash — and draw attention to — the creative power of Massachusetts youth by celebrating their artistic accomplishments through a new e-Showcase. Massachusetts Cultural Council and Arts|Learning are asking schools and organizations to provide links to exemplary online youth art in all disciplines for Creative Minds Unleashed, the first annual e-Showcase of high-quality youth art from across the Commonwealth.
Links to youth art works will be available on MCC's and Arts|Learning's web sites during March to celebrate Youth Art Month.
Learn more on Arts|Learning's web site. Deadline for submissions extended to March 12, 2012.

The MCC is a state agency that promotes excellence, access, education, and diversity in the arts, humanities, and sciences, to improve the quality of life for all Massachusetts residents and contribute to the economic vitality of our communities. The MCC pursues this mission through a combination of grants, services, and advocacy for nonprofit cultural organizations, schools, communities, and artists. MCC's budget for the current fiscal year includes $8.4 million from the state of Massachusetts and grants from the NEA and other sources.
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