April Youth Resources & Opportunities

Deadline TOMORROW for 2012-13 Mayor's Youth Council Applications!:
Are you a high school sophomore or junior who wants to make a
difference in your community? Each year, teens from all over the city
are selected as volunteer representatives to outreach to peers, advocate
for youth issues, and meet with city officials. Applications are
available NOW at www.bostonyouthzone.com/myc. Applications due TOMORROW: Mar 30. Recommendations can be sent by the recommender after Mar 30, but send ASAP. 617-635-2240, youthcouncil@cityofboston.gov
Boston Shines 2012:
Join over 5,000 volunteers in helping to make Boston shine! Make a
difference in your neighborhood by contributing to Boston’s citywide
clean up event. Volunteer on Apr 28! Group and individual registration
online: www.cityofboston.gov/ons/bostonshines

Summer Stuff 2012:
Boston Public School's Summer Stuff houses summer job, program, and
event information for middle and high school students. Summer Stuff Jr.
is available for elementary school youth and is full of summer camp
options. www.bostonpublicschools.org/summer
BOSTONavigator now has new features! These updates make your search and
ability to access youth programs easier than ever. Find programs
located in Boston that are providing transportation or making special
accommodations for Boston students from early childhood through age 24.
Emailing search results is easier too, now with the ability to add
comments for the addressee. Check out all of the new features: www.bostonavigator.org
Phillips Brooks House Summer Urban Program:
Join one of the 10 affordable summer programs in Boston and Cambridge
for children. Camps include academic enrichment, fieldtrips, and
recreation. Deadline: FCFS. Priority given to low income families and
returning campers. For locations and details: http://programs.pbha.org/sup
Mayor’s Youth Boston Facebook Page:
Become a fan of MYB on Facebook! Learn about job opportunities,
resource fairs, scholarships contests, and important deadlines on a
DAILY basis. www.facebook.com/mayorsyouthboston

Boston Centers for Youth & Families Summer Guide:
BCYF’s Summer Guide is here! Check out all the summer programs that
community centers are offering for the summer of 2012. This guide
includes important information about a variety of summer camps, sports
leagues and more. www.cityofboston.gov/bcyf
BCYF Citywide Open Houses:
All BCYF Community Centers across the city will be hosting open houses
for Boston residents. There will be games, music, membership info,
facility tours, programming info, and more. Learn about summer and
afterschool programs. Apr 18, 4-7pm. To find the BCYF center nearest
you, 617-635-4920, www.cityofboston.gov/bcyf
BCYF April Vacation:
Check out activities at Boston Centers for Youth & Families over
April Vacation Week! Go on field trips, meet new people and more! www.cityofboston.gov/bcyf
Mayor’s Cup Street Hockey Tournament: Show
off your street hockey skills during April Vacation, Apr 17-21,
9am-4pm. Tournament takes place at outdoor rinks citywide. For boys and
girls in age brackets of U8, U11, and U16 years old. Must bring a birth
certificate to play. Deadline for team registration is Apr 7. For more
info and a team application: Mike, 617-635-5206 x105, mike.devlin@cityofboston.gov, www.cityofboston.gov/BCYF/Recreation.asp
BCYF FACTS Program (Fourteen Year-Olds Acquiring Confidence, Training & Skills):
FACTS gives 14-year-olds the chance to work within BCYF community
centers. Get prepared for future employment through hands-on experience
at community centers by assisting with summer programs and events for
their younger peers. 617-635-4920x2209.
Snap Shot Teen Photography Program:
Snap Shot introduces teens to all aspects of photography. Led by a
professional photographer, the program includes visits to art galleries
and museums, “photo safaris” around Boston and gives the teens the
opportunity to serve as “staff photographers” for many BCYF programs and
events across the City. Participants are paid by John Hancock’s MLK
Summer Scholars Program and attend a workshop every Friday.
617-635-4920, www.cityofboston.gov/bcyf

Boston Bar Association Summer Jobs Program:
Boston high school students entering grades 11-12 can apply to work in
law firms and legal departments. Participants are paid. Applications
available in April. Contact your guidance counselor or PIC career
specialist for more information.
The Artemis Project:
Apply now for this FREE, five week computer science program for rising
9th grade girls. Learn how to design your own websites, build and
program robotics and MORE. Deadline: May 1. Jun 25-Jul 27. www.bu.edu/lernet/artemis
Connections 2 College Program:
Live and learn at Suffolk University through this college preparedness
program. Take college courses, SAT prep and work part-time. For students
entering grade 11 and 12 with GPA of 2.5 or higher. Jul 8-Aug 7.
Deadline: Apr 6. www.birdstreet.org/documents/Connections2College.pdf
City Spotlights Leadership Program:
Develop skills in leadership, dance, music, spoken word and acting
while exploring hip-hop culture. Students will be PAID a stipend. Ages
14-19. Jul 9-Aug 10. www.citicenter.org/education/event/?id=197
Career Days at Bunker Hill CC:
Take FREE college classes this summer! Course titles include: App
Master, CSI, Creating Onscreen Magic, The Next Iron Chef and MORE. For
students entering grades 11, 12 and graduating seniors. Jul 9-20. www.bhcc.mass.edu/summercareerdays
Summer Transportation Institute:
Learn about the opportunities that exist in the transportation industry
at UMass Boston for FREE. Learn about bridge design, transportation and
careers with field trips, projects and computer training. For students
entering grade 9-12. Jun 27-Jul 29. www.sti.umb.edu
Upward Bound:
Get ready for college with Upward bound and Upward Bound Math/Science
programs offered in the summer at four universities in Boston. For
students in grades 9-10. Take classes to prepare for the SAT and MCAS or
focus on math and science skills. Students can receive a stipend.
Deadline: Varies by program. Contact Roxbury Community College, Suffolk
University, UMass Boston, or Wheelock College for more information.

If You Have A BYF HOPELINE Tracking Number:
Check out the list of Boston Youth Fund Summer Work Sites. This list is
intended to give you examples of the type of work sites available, but
does not guarantee the availability of slots at each of these sites for
the 2012 program. Some worksites may have additional requirements and/or
an additional application attached. If you have a BYF tracking number
and are interested in working at one of the organizations, you can
download their attachments or contact that organization directly. Below
is a sample of some of the BYF Summer Work Site programs: www.bostonyouthzone.com/byf and follow BYF on Twitter www.twitter.com/BostonYouthFund
Artists for Humanity:
Artists for Humanity is currently looking for students interested in
entrepreneurship and creating art. Interested applicants must attend an
introductory tour on Apr 3, Apr 17, May 1 or May 15 at 4:30pm, schedule
an interview, and be registered with the Hopeline. Artists for Humanity
Gallery. 617-268-7620, www.afhboston.com
Be a part of this program that makes learning fun! In this tennis
program, youth will receive tennis lessons, a number of resources to
provide them with a chance to succeed, AND of course –a good time!
Apply: www.tenacity.org/Article.php?id=newstaffapplication. 617-562-0900 x27
Teen Voices:
Young ladies can use their tracking number to help change the world for
girls through media. Contribute to teen voices publications, learn
about journalism and explore your writing skills. For more info www.teenvoices.com. Application: www.bostonyouthzone.com/BYF

ABCD SummerWorks Job Registration:
Apply online 24 hours a day and follow the step-by-step instructions
(requires a working email account). Read and complete the application
with a parent or guardian. A complete application includes a signed
application, CORI form, checklist, and eligibility documentation. You
can also apply in person at your local neighborhood ABCD office.
Applicants must be residents of Boston, be between the ages of 14 and 21
years old, and be income eligible. Submitting an application does NOT
guarantee a summer job. 617-348-6548, www.summerworks.net
Teen Visitor Aides:
Responsibilities may include restocking literature in the Visitor
Center, giving directions, and managing lines and crowds. Teens also
have the opportunity to attend professional development workshops
facilitated by museum staff with other teens. Jul-mid Aug. $8/hour,
deadline: Apr 6. Stephen, 617-369-4359, www.mfa.org/programs/teen-programs
MFA Teen Arts Council:
TAC members have the opportunity to work on a variety of activities
such as creating and producing teen-focused events, greeting and giving
information to museum visitors, and creating wall labels to accompany
the museum’s art collections. Summer and 2012-13 school year positions
available, $8/hour. Deadline: Apr 13. Stephen, 617-369-4359, www.mfa.org/programs/teen-programs
Tech Apprentice Program:
Interested in technology? TechBoston is looking for Boston juniors and
seniors to apply for its 7-week paid internship at local companies. The
internship runs from Jul 9-Aug 24. $10/hour for 35 hours/week. Deadline:
Apr 6. Apply online: www.techboston.org/techapprentice.html. Cecilia, cecilia.oyediran@bostonpic.org
Global Youth Service Day Events: Global
Youth Service Day is an annual celebration of youth in service,
engaging youth in over 100 countries and six continents for the world's
largest annual day of youth service! There will be several GYSD projects
over Boston Public Schools’ April Vacation, Apr 16-19, with large scale
service opportunities occurring Apr 20, 21, and 22. For a full list of
events: www.bostoncares.org.
Teens in Print:
Have you dreamed of seeing your name in print? Would you like to visit
great venues like Fenway Park? Teens in Print offers both paid and
unpaid summer positions to learn how to use the press to cover topics
that are important to teenagers. Apply now! Ric, 617-541-2651, ric.kahn.jcs@cityofboston.gov, www.writeboston.org
Boston PIC:
If you attend a BPS High School, connect with your Private Industry
Council (PIC) Career Specialist who can help you with your resume, job
interview skills and job search. www.BostonPIC.org
Teen Resume Guide:
Create a Resume to be able to share with potential leads. This guide
includes a variety of formats samples, tips on how to tell your story,
and great action words to describe your work and volunteer experience. www.bostonyouthzone.com/myc
Job Tips for Teens:
There are many things to keep in mind as you look for a job. In
addition to money, a job or an internship can provide you with new
skills and a chance to investigate careers you might be interested in
pursuing. This guide includes advice for young job seekers in Boston and
resources to help you in your search. www.bostonyouthzone.com/myc

Sociedad Latina's Youth Fitness Boot Camp:
Sociedad Latina will host its 2nd Annual Youth Fitness Boot Camp, a
week-long series of FREE activities such as nutrition and healthy
lifestyles workshops, and fitness sessions such as yoga, Zumba,
kickboxing, hip-hop dance, and self-defense during April vacation. Apr
16-19 Tobin Community Center, 1481 Tremont St., Roxbury. 617-442-4299
x123, katieacker@sociedadlatina.org
BAC Summer Academy:
Boston Architectural College’s Summer Academy is a 4-week design
exploration program that includes hands-on experience working in the BAC
design studios. Explore the processes of architecture and design. Jul
2-27. Tuition is $1800, including all materials and supplies. Rolling
admissions. Full and partial scholarships are available based on
financial need. Scholarship deadline: Mar 30. 617-585-0101, www.the-bac.edu/summer
Northeastern Summer Science Camp:
NU is hosting middle school students for 2 weeks this summer.
Participants live on campus for two weeks and participate in both
academic and social activities through classroom work, field excursions
and interactive demonstrations. The entire program including food and
housing is FREE. Applications due Apr 27. 617-373-8380, www.stem.neu.edu/bhssc.htm
Camp Shriver:
Camp Shriver is an inclusive summer program for children with or
without intellectual disabilities. This sports-oriented day camp runs
from 8:30am-2:15pm each weekday during the summer. Jul 9-Aug 3.
Deadline: Apr 13. Barbara Gildea, barbara.gildea@umb.edu, www.csde.umb.edu
Bikes Not Bombs Spring Programs:
Bikes Not Bombs is currently accepting applications for spring sessions
of its Earn-A-Bike and Girls in Action programs. In both programs,
you’ll choose a bike and learn the skills to build it and maintain it.
At the end of the program, the bike is yours to keep. Applications are
available online. Mon-Thurs, 3:30– 6:30pm, May 7-Jun 14. Elijah Evans,
617-522-0222 x101, elijah@bikesnotbombs.org, http://bikesnotbombs.org/
Earn-A-Bike Summer Sessions:
Bikes Not Bombs will run two Earn-A-Bike sessions this summer. Session
1: July 4 - Jul 20, Mon - Fri 2-6pm. Session 2: Jul 25 - Aug 10, Mon -
Fri, 2-6pm. Elijah, 617-522-0222 x101, elijah@bikesnotbombs.org, http://bikesnotbombs.org/
LatinSummer Boston: This
2-week summer enrichment program provides students in grades 1-7 a
chance to learn about the classical world! T-shirts provided!
Registration fees range from $65-250, depending on financial need, and
are accepted by mail or online until May 15. Weekdays from Jul 23-Aug 3,
the Roxbury Latin School. www.ascaniusyci.org/boston
Athena Conference:
Hosted by Harvard women to promote gender awareness issues among high
school youth of all genders. This year's free conference, “Growing Up
Gendered”, will feature discussion, Self-Defense, food, and more. Apr
21, 10am-6pm. Student Organization Center at Hilles. athenaoutreach@gmail.com, www.hcs.harvard.edu/~athena
Boston Rio+20 Project: In
conjunction with the Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest, this event will
showcase youth addressing development issues through the arts.
Activities include workshops for emphasizing the importance of youth and
arts in addressing sustainable development. This event will also
include performances and presentations from local organizations. Mar 31,
4pm. Berklee Performance Center. www.thesoundingboard.com
Biomedical Research Institute:
This opportunity is for rising high school juniors and seniors who want
to participate in research in the biomedical field. This two-day
program is taught by Emmanuel College professors, from 9:15am-3:15pm.
Students will become engaged participants in current research projects
ongoing at the college. Registration fee: $25. bissardi@emmanuel.edu
Youth to Health Careers Mentoring Program: The
Boston Area Health Education Center is looking for students who are
interested in pursuing a career in health. Mentors will work with
students in everything from academic support and career exploration to
leadership development and just having fun. 4 hours a month. FREE. Ages
13-18. 729 Mass Ave, 2nd floor, South End. 617-419-3402, lmika@bphc.org
Camp Cardiac:
Camp Cardiac is looking for high school students ages 15 and up who are
interested in careers in medicine. This 1-week summer day camp provides
an opportunity to learn directly from experts in the medical field.
Scholarship deadline: Mar 12. Early Enrollment cost: $600, deadline: Mar
12. Regular Enrollment deadline: May 14, cost: $700. Michael,
312-659-0246, www.campcardiac.org
Boston City Lights:
FREE training and performance opportunities for Boston children. Train
in singing, dancing, and acting. All students are taught to teach. 1154
Washington St. Duggan Hill. 617-695-2856, http://bostoncitylights.wordpress.com
Check out this non-profit cultural organization dedicated to building
community through music and the arts. It's also an alternative way for
young people to deal with frustration, anger and fear. 260 Sumner St.,
East Boston. 617-568-9777, www.zumix.org
Summer Teen Studio Art Intensives:
The MFA will be offering summer weekly studio art intensives for youth
ages 12-18. Intensives include lessons in drawing, painting, sculpture,
photography, fashion drawing, and more. Classes will be instructed by
experienced educators and professional artists. Weekly classes will run
from Jun 25-Aug 13. Cost: $210-275. Limited scholarships available. www.mfa.org/programs/studio-art-classes/summer-teen-intensive

ADSL Baseball:
The All Dorchester Sports League registration is now open for baseball.
Register: Mar 31; Apr 2, 3, 9, 10, 14. Registration is open from
4:30-7:30pm on weekdays and 10am-1pm on Saturdays. Participants must
turn 5 by May 1 and cannot be over 18. Fees vary by age. 617-287-1601, www.alldorchestersportsleague.org
Healthworks Youth Fitness:
Children can learn yoga, good sportsmanship, teamwork, and more. Ages
5-8 from 5-6pm and ages 9-12 from 6-7pm. Enrollment fee: $15. 450
Washington St, Codman Sq. 617-825-2800
Row Boston Summer Clinics:
Week-long rowing clinics will be held from 9-4pm during the weeks of
Jul 9- Jul 20, Jul 23- Aug 3, and Aug 6- Aug 17, Aug 20-Aug 31 These
clinics are open to both boys and girls ages 12-18 with all skill
levels. No rowing or swimming experience required and all transportation
is provided from Boston to the Community Rowing Boathouse in Brighton.
Register: 617-779-8277, www.communityrowing.org/outreach/boys-row, www.communityrowing.org/outreach/girls-row-boston

School Breakfast Video Contest:
If you’re a middle or high school student who has a knack for making
videos, enter the School Breakfast Video Contest: Eat. Film. Screen,
with a 30-second video promoting a healthy school breakfast. Prizes
include a Flip Video Ultra HD 8GB camera video or a $1,000 Visa gift
card. The winning video will also be shown on WHDH-TV. Submit your video
by Apr 5! www.meals4kids.org/school-breakfast-eat-film-screen
Massachusetts SADD Student Advisory Board: Current
high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors can apply to be a member
of the SADD Advisory Board, to participate in peer outreaching,
strengthen leadership skills, and meet students from across the state.
Deadline: Apr 16. Robin, 508-481-3568 x248, www.sadd.org
Sign up or nominate a high school sophomore to be a part of the
Massachusetts Youth Leadership Foundation’s MassSTAR conference which is
held from Jun 8-10. This non-profit organization’s mission is to
empower leadership in high school students. Deadline: Apr 15. http://massstar.org/nominate-a-student.html
NAGC Nicholas Green Distinguished Student Awards:
This award recognizes excellence in children, grades 3-6, who have
distinguished themselves in academics, leadership, or the arts. Awards
include a $500 U.S. Savings Bond and a Certificate of Achievement.
Deadline: Apr 15. www.massgifted.org
ICA Teen Art Council:
The Institute of Contemporary Art is looking for youth ages 14-18 to
serve as members of the Teen Art Council during the 2012-2013 school
year. Apply now by downloading an application: www.icaboston.org/programs/teens
Holocaust Remembrance Essay Contest:
Students responding to this year’s writing contest should study the
Holocaust and then respond to a writing prompt in an essay of no more
than 1,200 words. First place winners can win a scholarship ranging from
$2,500 to $5,000. Deadline: Apr 19. Must be submitted online. http://holocaust.hklaw.com/2012/index.asp
YOUTH Travel Scholarships:
Calling all youth-serving organizations! Apply for a scholarship to get
awards like free kayak trips, over-sand vehicle tours, reduced price
ferry tickets, and more! Application process is simple… just work with
your students to design a trip with a basic budget and explain why your
teens will benefit from this experience. Deadline: Apr 13, 5pm. www.hinewengland.org/program.php?id=3

City of Boston Scholarship:
If you are a resident of the City of Boston, have a high school diploma
or GED, and plan to pursue higher education at a post-secondary
institution in Massachusetts, apply to receive the City of Boston
Scholarship. Deadline: Apr 2. www.cityofboston.gov/scholarship
Boston Scholarship Guide: Information about local scholarships available to help you pay for college! www.BostonScholarshipGuide.com
Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) National Scholarship:
Applications are now available for 1 of 9 $500 scholarships for teens
entering their freshman year of college. Deadline: Apr 20. Robin,
508-481-3568 x248, rhounslow@sadd.org, www.sadd.org/scholarship.htm
South End Book Scholarship:
Are you a high school senior, live in the South End, and plan on going
to college? If so, you can apply for a scholarship toward college books.
Deadline: Apr 15. www.bfsna.org/news-events
Thomas W. Payzant Public Service in Education Scholarship: Are
you a student graduating in 2012 who has been accepted into an
accredited higher education program, someone who has demonstrated strong
leadership and service to his/her school and/or the district, while
maintaining a solid academic record? Applications for the $2,000
scholarship are now being accepted. All materials are due on Apr 30 by
5pm. Elizabeth Sullivan, 617-635-9015, esullivan3@boston.k12.ma.us
Free Financial Aid help from ACCESS!:
ACCESS is hosting walk-in hours to help students and families with the
financial aid process for college. Bring a valid photo ID and the most
recent tax returns for you and your parents to get started on your FAFSA
today! Every Mon & Wed, 3-6pm. Center for College Affordability, 31
St. James Ave, Suite 520, Boston. www.accessedu.org
College Preparation & Financial Aid Counseling:
Weekly programs are designed to help teens explore college options,
learn about college life, and prepare for the experience. Enjoy college
tours, SAT prep, help with college apps, and financial aid assistance. http://westendhouse.org/education.html
Prepare Your FAFSA for College Financial Aid!:
Get help paying for college by submitting a Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Begin your application today! For a list of
documents required from you and your parents, check out www.fafsa.ed.gov. Please remember to check the deadline to submit the FAFSA at each of the schools you are applying to!
Bottom Line's College Access Program:
Bottom Line helps students get into college, graduate, and succeed in
life. The one-on-one counseling they provide will give you the time and
attention you need to navigate the college application process. High
school juniors in the class of 2013 can learn about eligibility
requirements and apply online at http://bottomline.org/for-students/student-application.aspx. 500 Amory Street, Jamaica Plain. Ann, 617-524-8833, ann@bottomline.org
BPS College and Career Guide:
The Boston Public Schools are committed to making sure that every high
school graduate has the resources they need to meet success. Get tips on
financial aid, college planning, cool events and much more. www.bostonpublicschools.org/college

Opening of the Swan Boats: The
Opening of the Swan Boats in the Public Garden Lagoon is one of
Boston’s traditional rites of spring! Mayor Menino will be joined on the
first ride of the year with students from several Boston Public Schools
including the Ellis Mendell Elementary School, the Conley Elementary
School, and the John Winthrop Elementary School. Families and residents
can come and take a ride immediately following the Mayor and winners as
well as enjoy face painting. Apr 14, 10am. Boston Public Garden Lagoon. www.swanboats.com
Wild and Scenic Film Festival:
Presented by Bikes Not Bombs, this fundraiser will feature two films
from the national Wild and Scenic Film Festival, dinner, dessert, and a
silent auction. An award will also be presented to two featured
activists for their work in regaining clean rivers and creating
opportunities in Ghana. Mar 31, 6-10pm. Elijah Evans, 617-522-0222 x101,
The EcoFest is a family and youth-focused afternoon of films and
environmental activities, serving as an earlier part of the Wild and
Scenic Film Festival. Early bird admission discounts are available. Mar
31, 11am–4pm. Elijah Evans, 617-522-0222 x101, http://bikesnotbombs.org/
Art in Bloom 2012, Family Day at the MFA:
Come to the Museum of Fine Arts to create your own art, enjoy
storytelling, and participate in other activities for families. Free
with museum admission. Apr 28, 11am-3pm. 617-267-9300, www.mfa.org
Big Apple Circus:
Take the family to the Circus for plenty of entertainment. See the
spirited horses, jugglers, clowns, and more! Ticket prices vary. Through
May 13. Boston City Hall Plaza. www.bigapplecircus.org
On Our Way to the Top Talent Showcase & Fundraiser:
Expressions, the Dorchester Youth Collaborative, and Youth in Crisis
will be hosting a fundraiser in the Strand Theatre. There will be
special guest performances by artists such as Breje and the Beano Boyz.
There will also be additional performances by Slap Braclets, Shall,
C.N.M and Rock Your Life Girls Program. Tickets: $10 in advance, $15 at
the door. Mar 30, 7-10pm. 617-312-0348, 774-244-7015. http://strandboston.com

The Earth Day Network:
Earth Day is April 22. Join the Earth Day revolution! More than one
million people participate in Earth Day activities. You can be part of
the movement. Check out www.earthday.org.
Earth Day-Party For the Planet:
Learn about the incredible animals that call the Zoo home as well as
all the ways everyone can contribute to create a healthier planet. Apr
22, 10am-3pm. Franklin Park Zoo. www.franklinparkzoo.org
13th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup:
Join other volunteers to pick up trash and improve the appearance of
the Charles and surrounding open spaces! Clean up supplies and snacks
provided, along with a free t-shirt for volunteers. Apr 21, 9am-12pm. www.charlesriver.org, 781 788 0007 x303
Earth Day on the Greenway: Celebrate
Earth Day by learning about sustainable and organic practices. Enjoy a
number of fun and FREE activities: face painting, music, games, and
more! Apr 20, 11am-1pm. Dewey Square Park, Summer St. to Congress St. www.rosekennedygreenway.org
The Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts:
The Girls Scouts will partner with the Franklin Park Zoo to celebrate
Earth Day by throwing the biggest party for the planet. This family fun
event will celebrate the year of service completed by the Girl Scouts’
for their 100th Anniversary. There will be guest speakers fun crafts and
activities planned for the day. Apr 22, 10am-1pm. Register by Apr 6. www.hergirlscouts.org

6th Annual Mass Audubon Volunteer Day:
The Boston Nature Center in Mattapan is asking for teen and adult
volunteers to participate in an annual clean-up day. Enjoy time with
friends, family and other volunteers while lending a helping hand at one
of sixteen sites across Massachusetts. Apr 28, 9am-12pm. www.massaudubon.org/workforwildlife/index.php
Environmental Protection Agency:
Join the Environmental Protection Agency in helping to make the streets
of Chinatown clean! Meet every Sun, 11am-1pm, to participate in a
community-wide neighborhood cleanup. All ages welcome. Jinhe, blscurrentevents@gmail.com
Take Mayor Menino's Climate Action Pledge!: Feel
like you want to help the environment, but don’t know what to do? Join
other Bostonians as they take Mayor Menino’s Climate Action Pledge
online and strive to conserve energy in their own households! www.cityofboston.gov/environmentalandenergy/pledge.asp

11th Annual All Girls Sports Festival:
The All Girls Sports Festival was created to enhance sports and fitness
opportunities for young women and girls. While participating in
athletic activities, discover readily available resources both in and
out of school. All girls must be Boston residents between the ages of
11-15. The festival takes place Tues-Fri of BPS’ April school vacation
week, 8:30am-3:30pm at the Reggie Lewis Track & Athletic Center at
Roxbury Community College and the BCYF Rec Center at Madison Park.
Barbara Hamilton, 617-635-5206 x101, Barbara.Hamilton@cityofboston.gov. Registration forms will be online www.cityofboston.gov/BCYF/Recreation.asp.
ANNpower Vital Voices Initiative: This
initiative is currently looking for 50 rising female high school
juniors and seniors to become 2012 ANNpower Fellows. Students chosen
will attend a leadership training in Washington, D.C., meet influential
female leaders from around the world, and attend the Vital Voices Annual
Global Leadership Awards. Fellows will also be eligible for a grant to
implement projects in their communities and put their ideas into action.
Application deadline: Mar 31, 5pm. http://vitalvoices.org/vital-voices-women
S.E.T. in the City:
High school girls are invited to take part in this day of career
exploration in Science, Engineering & Technology. The day will begin
at Boston University with kickoff speakers and Science Bazaar. They
will then visit Wentworth, Harvard, Emmanuel, Simmons, or the Biogen for
lunch and activities. The day concludes with an Omni show at the Museum
of Science. Apr 28, 9am-6pm. Register online: www.bu.edu/lernet/setinthecity.
Little Miss and Young Miss Dorchester:
If you are a resident of Dorchester and a “Little Miss” ages 7-9, or a
“Young Miss” ages 10-12, then you can apply. Winners must be able to
attend the Dorchester parade. Annissa, 617-474-0797, littlemiss@dotdayparade.com
The Red Thread Fellowship:
Applications for 2012-2013 Red Thread Fellowship Program are now
available! Open to college-bound women of international backgrounds, the
fellowship consists of two parts: a scholarship award and a year-long
mentorship support. Candidates for the program must submit their
applications along with recommendation letters online by May 31. http://redthreadwomen.org/about/fellowship-program
Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts:
Approaching its 100th anniversary, Girl Scouts is an affordable option
for families and offers financial assistance. Be a part of history this
year by volunteering your time and talent with Girl Scouts and make a
lasting impact on your community. 888-9-GIRL-SCOUT, www.hergirlscouts.org

Spring Classes at the Children’s Art Centre:
The Children’s Art Centre is accepting registration for Spring
Community Classes for children ages 10 mos–4 years and their parent or
caregiver, where art is used to promote healthy development. Classes
start Apr 23. Scholarships available by need. 617-375-8159, www.uses.org
Talk Read Play:
Boston’s children thrive when they talk, read, and play! Find programs
for younger children! Also, check out valuable resources and be the
first to hear about awesome events. www.talkreadplay.org
Kindergarten Readiness Nights at the Children’s Museum:
Kindergarten Readiness Nights feature hands-on activities that
encourage children to use skills they will need in kindergarten.
Admission $1 per person. First Friday of every month, 6-8:30pm. Boston
Children’s Museum, 308 Congress St. 617-426-6500, www.bostonkids.org
Countdown to Kindergarten Play to Learn Playgroups:
Boston children ages 1-3 and their parents can sign up to attend free
parent-child playgroups this winter. All caregivers are welcome to
attend to build a community of peers for support, to foster nurturing
behaviors and to help children learn skills for success in school. Rosa,
617-635-9288, playgroup@Boston.k12.ma.us, www.countdowntokindergarten.org/playtolearn.html

Follow the Mayor’s 24 Hour Hotline on Twitter: Get
updates and alerts on important things going on around the city from
weather advisories to approaching deadlines! @NotifyBoston
Follow BYF on Twitter: Follow the Boston Youth Fund on Twitter to get summer job updates! @BostonYouthFund
Jobs and Community Service: Become a fan of JCS and get updates on literacy, job training & placement, and support services. www.facebook.com/BostonJobs
Green Boston: Be a fan of Boston’ s Go Green Facebook page and learn more about the City’s efforts to protect the environment. www.facebook.com/GreenBoston

Boston Walk MS- National Multiple Sclerosis Society:
Join others for a fun spring walk at Harvard University’s Athletic
Complex in Boston. This walk offers 3 and 5-mile accessible routes, and
there are rest stops along the way, supplied with snacks, beverages, and
restrooms. Apr 1, 12pm. Check-in opens at 10:30 am. http://walkmam.nationalmssociety.org
116th Boston Marathon:
Come out and cheer at the Boston Marathon, the world’s oldest and most
prestigious annual marathon, on Apr 16. The historic course starts on
Main St. in the town of Hopkinton. The route in Boston continues through
Kenmore Sq. on Beacon St. onto Mass Ave. The course turns right onto
Hereford St., then left onto Boylston, finishing at the Boston Public
Library. www.bostonmarathon.org
7th Annual Walk for Change:
The Boston Area Rape Crisis Center would like you to join them to raise
awareness about preventing sexual violence. Apr 22, registration starts
at 9:30am, walk begins at 11am. Canal Park near Cambridge Side
Galleria. www.barcc.org/join/events/walk
Project Bread’s Walk for Hunger:
Be a part of the country's oldest continual pledge walk and the largest
one-day fundraiser to alleviate local hunger on May 6. Your support
will help provide nutritious meals for those who would otherwise go
without, right here in Massachusetts. Register online. www.projectbread.org
30th Run of the Charles Canoe and Kayak Race:
This run will include a 6, 9, and 19 mile races, a 24-mile, five-leg
canoe relay race, and a 26-mile professional marathon. The Annual Run of
the Charles showcases the ongoing improvements in the Charles River,
while drawing 1,500 paddlers and hundreds of spectators to enjoy a day
on the river. All races finish at DCR’s Artesani Park where people
gather to enjoy a day of music, refreshments, exhibits, raffle drawings,
picnics and awards at the FREE Finish Line Festival! Apr 29. Register
online. www.crwa.org/rotc/rotc.html

Boston Youth Zone E-Newsletter includes youth events from the City of
Boston Calendar! Now you can search for events, sign up for email or
text message reminders, map the location of the event and much more. www.BostonYouthZone.com/calendar. Check out some cool events:
Tue, Apr 2, 4-5pm Creative Drama Class
BPL Honan-Allston Branch
Thu, Apr 5, 3-4:30pm Drop in Craft for Easter
BPL Fields Corner Branch
Thu, Apr 5, 4-5pm Lego Club
BPL Charlestown Branch
Fri, Apr 6, 2-4pm Newspaper Horoscope Blackout Poetry
BPL Mattapan Branch
Mon, Apr 9, 5pm Celebrate National Poetry Month
BPL Dudley Branch
Sat, Apr 14, 11am Community Gardening Project Kickoff Project
BPL Grove Hall Branch
Wed, Apr 18, 6:30-7:30pm Yoga
BPL Adams Street Branch
Thu, Apr 26, 5:30-7:30 Movie: In the Time of the Butterflies
BPL Grove Hall Branch
Sat, Apr 28, 12-4pm SAT Practice Test (free)
BPL Central Library Branch
Mon, Apr 30, 4-5:30pm Dia! Celebration
BPL Jamaica Plain Branch

Parent University:
Save the date for the next BPS Parent University on May 5 at
Northeastern University. Parent U is a learning experience designed to
help parents get a better understanding of how their children learn and
develop and how to bring other parents together to work for school
improvement. www.bpsfamilies.org/parentuniversity
Moving Beyond Icebreakers 101: In
this training, participants will explore the depth and richness of
several interactive exercises, and their ability to increase positive
participation, create and maintain relationships, and discuss
challenging topics- all while engaging the minds and energies of
participants. Learn how seemingly simple activities can help your team
members connect to the goals of your meeting, as well as to one another.
Cost: $50. Apr 19, 9:30am -12:30pm heang@teenempowerment.org, www.MovingBeyondIcebreakers.org
BEST Youth Worker Certificate Training:
This 8-session, 32-hour course provides youth workers with grounding in
the youth development approach. Learn about healthy relationships with
youth, positive youth outcomes, and more! $350/person. Scholarships
available. Apr 24-Jun 12, 9:30am-2pm. Must attend all 8 sessions. Health
Resources in Action, 95 Berkeley St., Boston. Register: www.youthworkcentral.org.
Highland Hitters "Red Sox Ticket Giveaway!":
The Highland Street Foundation is sponsoring a ticket giveaway for
Massachusetts-based 501(c)3 non-profit organizations that would like to
receive tickets to a Red Sox game at Fenway Park. The open submission
period begins Apr 2 and closes Apr 30. www.highlandstreet.org
Free Aquarium Tickets for BPS:
Apply for a free trip to the aquarium through the “Free to Learn”
program. Registration for the 2012-2013 school year is available now.
Each year, the aquarium offers free admission to Massachusetts children
in grades K-12 from schools that meet the criteria for financial need,
which is determined by the percentage of students in the school who are
eligible for the federal free or reduced lunch program. The tickets are
only good from Sep 2012–Feb 2013. Deadline: Apr 23. www.neaq.org
Free Aquarium Tickets for Community-Based Organizations: If your CBO would like to visit the aquarium, please visit the Community Programs at www.neaq.org/community and complete the visit request form. Summer booking fills up fast. 617-973-0281
Add a Photo or Logo to Your Programs on BOSTONavigator:
Programs can now add an organization logo or photos to personalize your
program page. At your user login, click the ‘image’ button. From there,
you can add up to five photos. Be sure you have permission to publicly
publish any images you select. Remember to update your program
information to allow for more accurate search results throughout the
website. www.bostonavigator.org
Rate Your Program on BOSTONavigator:
Tell your past program participants to use BOSTONavigator’s ratings
feature! Encourage them to complete a review of your program to get the
word out about your work and help other youth connect to programs that
will benefit them. www.bostonavigator.org
Do You Want to Add Information to the Boston Youth Zone Newsletter?: If you would like to add information about your program, please email Youthline@cityofboston.gov
by the 23rd of each month. Please include details about the program,
cost, location and who someone should contact for more information.