Remembering Faik Konitza
This Tuesday, I have been asked to participate in a forum at Harvard University, remembering Faik Konitza. I look forward to being part of an event that honors a great Albanian patriot who did much in the 1930's to enhance the image of Albania in America as the representative of Albania to the United States.
I will add more after the event, however, I hope that those of you who can attend will do so.
Chaired by:
Ardeta Gjikola, Harvard University, GSAS, PhD, 2012
Van S. Christo
Frosina Information Network, contemporary of Konitza and Noli.
"Visiting Konitza"
Prof. Gregory Pano
Salem State College
"Konitza, Noli and VATRA"
V. Rev. Arthur Liolin
"Impressions on Konitza"
Agron Alibali, LL.M.
"New Findings on Konitza from American Archives"
Dudley House
Graduate Lounge
Graduate School or Arts and Science
Harvard University
April 28, 2009
16:00 - 18:00 PM
For more information, please contact:
Ms. Ardeta Gjikola at

Glon Mili and Faik Konitza
Recently, Jane and I received a visit to our home by the talented Albanian photographer, Roland Tasho, who showed us two books of his impressive photography "Marubi/Shqiperi-Albania/1858-1950" and "qendresa/NE SYTE E KOSOVES."
I seized that opportunity to show Roland a treasured copy of a book autographed by the celebrated Albanian-American Time/Life photographer GJON MILI (born 1904 in Korce,Albania) titled "Photographs and Recollections." I noticed that on page nineteen of his book, Mili wrote that shortly after he arrived in America in 1923, he was befriended by FAIK KONITZA whom he characterized as "a fine writer, an accomplished humanist, and a razor-sharp intellectual" who took pains to broaden Mili's interest in the arts, especially the movies which Konitza considered to be a significant art form.
In trying to forge a connection between a gifted young photographer, Roland Tasho, and the famous Albanian photographer, Gjon Mili, I accidently found an intersting connection between Faik Konitza and Gjon Mili.
It is with sadness and concern that we report that Kosova President Mr.Seidiu, declared in a recent press conference that Kosova would join The Conference of Islamic Countries upon receiving UN membership.
This is cause for great concern as the grave mistake made by the semi-communist Albanian government of 1990' who illegally joined The Conference of Islamic Countries will be followed now by Kosova.
All Albanian intellectuals, scholars and people who really care for the country should raise their voice NOW to protect the laic character of the Republic of Kosova.
The 50 year communist regime backwardness and repression should not be followed by a new era of Islamic backwardness. This will be fatal for Albanian nation to join the wrong "camp" this time around again.
Moreover, as it is well-known, the Conference of Islamic Countries is nothing else but a religious-based fundamentalist organization with a veiled anti-Western and anti-European civilization agenda.
Speak NOW, tell Mr. Sejdiu not to push Kosova to join the infamous Conference of Islamic Countries. Tell Mr. Topi to withdraw Albania and its membership from the Conference of Islamic Countries NOW.
Albanian nation is not an Islamic nation by any measure, meaning or standard. Albanians belongs to Europe and Western civilization.
Thank you,
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