Tuesday, August 21, 2012

BOSTON: Public Service Notice from St. George Cathedral

There will be a booth at Saint George Cathedral
523 East Broadway South Boston, MA 02127
on Sunday, September 16, presided by members of the Albanian American
Medical Society to inform the Boston community on the Albanian Health
Initiative survey.
All are encouraged to attend. 10 AM to 12 Noon.

Dr. Dafina Pruthi, Dr. Ismet Lukolic, Dr. Erstela Durresi and other
physicians are expected in order to answer questions on the survey.

Please read the information below.

From: President@albamedsociety.org
Subject: Albanian Health Initiative

Dear Members, Friends, Families, Colleagues:

We are very excited to share with you a recent project which has been
undertaken by a few members of our medical society which may have
historical impact and help learn how you can play a role as well. During the past few months Dr.'s Ismet Lukolic, Granit Veseli, and Elizabeth Lulaj have worked closely with senior members of the AAMS on creating a survey with intentions of collecting preliminary data on the Albanian-American population that has become quite prominent in NYC, as well as other cities and towns throughout the United States--especially over the last three decades! However, while this community  has become moderately successful as small business owners and entrepreneurs, the fact of the matter is that we still lag far behind when it comes to our health care and understanding our rights to access of health care.

For example,
the awareness of the importance of colorectal screening protocols or
cervical cancer screening is scarce to nonexistent. Moreover, even the limited amount of Albanian physicians practicing in those areas are inadequately educating or raising awareness of such standards despite their efforts in extending these standards of practice to their patients. For this reason, we have begun 'The Albanian Health Initiative which will collect anonymous data using either a paper survey the patient can fill out in your office or can mail back to us, or if the participant chooses they can request a copy from us on-line at our email address (healthsurvey@albamedsociety.org) or go to our on-line survey to complete it. The Albanian Health Initiative goal is to try and identify and eliminate health care disparities that exist in the Albanian American community in an effort to promote preventative screening measures and more efficiently utilize health care resources empowering both the patient and physician to improve the quality of care and strengthen the patient-physician relationship.

Please find attached for your review copies of the survey and an awareness flyer alerting participants to how they can participate in this study.

 Also, you can go on our Facebook page to follow the link to our on-line survey found at: http://kwiksurveys.com?u=AAMSHealth_Survey . We are very excited about the potential benefits this initiative has to offer both our patients and us as health care professionals as well.

We kindly request your help with offering your friends, family, and
Albanian patients this survey in your office for them to fill out. Once they have completed the survey they can deposit in a drop box which will be provided to you  and the completed surveys will be collected periodically.  This survey will not involve any expense to you or your office nor will there be any financial incentive for your participation. However, the incentive will be that you are making an effort to understand your Albanian patients better and are actively trying to learn how to better serve that subset of your patients.

Thank you for offering to help and please contact healthsurvey@albamedsociety.org if you wish to participate or have any
questions or concerns that need clarification.  Once you have contacted us we will arrange for the surveys and drop box to be delivered to your office.

Thank you,
Lindita Çoku, MD
Albanian American Medical Society
Boston, MA, USA
Voicemail 617-236-0113


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