Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Boatlifters: The unknown story of 9/11 Reuters

Just when you think you knew all there was to know about 9/11, here's a video narrated by Tom Hanks that my old U.S. Navy shipmate, Bob Christ, just distributed. If you can't open the link, just type it in or copy and paste. It's well worth it!!


Boatlifters: The unknown story of 9/11 Reuters

The stories of Sept. 11th are over for now, but there is one story yet to tell. I have never heard this story before and perhaps you haven't either. It is a story that needs to be told because it is very important. Please set a few minutes of your busy schedule aside and just sit and watch this. Just think about this one thing while watching it - 500,000 people in 9 hours, rescued.

Be sure to watch the video...and then please share it.

Note: If the above link doesn't work just type it into your Internet Browser.


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