Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Here's a bunch of interesting news from MASS BESA for the Albanian community and others that are worth looking into!


Albanian first, English second / Ne fillim ne Shqip, pastaj ne Anglisht

Te Dashur Miq,

Shoqata Shqiptare Amerikane ne Massachusetts, MAASBESA deshiron t’ju paraqesi me listen e njoftimeve dhe evenimenteve per sezonin Dimer 2011.

1) Darke e Komunitetit Shqiptar me Kryetarin e Bashkise se Bostonit Thomas Menino- Te Marten, dt. 1 Shkurt, 2011 ne oren 6 PM te restoranti Vlora

Anetare te komunitetit shqiptar do te mbajne nje darke me Kryetarin e Bashkise se Bostonit, Thomas Menino diten e marte, dt. 1 Shkurt 2011 te restoranti Vlora. Darka do te mbahet per nje diskutim te rritjes se influences dhe zhvillimit te komunitetit Shqiptar ne Boston. Nqs. jeni te interesuar te merrni pjese, ju lutem kontaktoni Mark Kosmo te adresa Darka kushton $100 per person, dhe vendet jane te kufizuara per 30 persona .

2) Regjistrimi per klasa te Shkolla e Trashimigimes dhe Gjuhes Shqipe Besa eshte ende i hapur

Klasat e ofruara te shkolla e Trashegimise dhe Gjuhes Shqipe Besa do te fillojne diten e djele, ne 22 Janar 2011. Regjistrimet jane ende te hapuara per klasat e femijeve te mbajtura te djelen dhe klasat e te rriturve te mbajtura Shtunen. Shkolla sa po permbushi vitin e 4 te funksionimit, po kemi nevoje per mbeshtetje dhe rregjistrime per vazhdimsine e suksesit te saj. Per me shume infomacione, ju lutem kontaktoni drejtoreshen e shkolles, znj. Elisabeta Nasi ne emailin ose numrin e tel. 617-606-1735.

3) DVD-ja e Festivalit te Pare Folklorik Shqiptar ne Massachusetts tashme ne shitje

DVD-ja e Festivalit te Pare Shqiptar ne Massachusetts, qe u mbajt ne daten 5 Qershor, 2010, ka dale tashme ne shitje. Deshirojme te falenderojme Grupin e Valleve Bashkimi per punen e zellte qe u krye per produksionin e kesaj DVD-je. DVD-ja kushton vetem $10, dhe sherben si nje dhurate e kendshme per familjen, miqte dhe veten tuaj. Performancat e DVD-se ju dergojne ne nje udhetim imagjinar neper trojet e Shqiperise, duke perfshire Kosoven, Camerine dhe Arberine, me vallet e grupeve te talentuara si dhe nen zerat hyjnore te Aurela Gaces dhe Xhoni Athanas. Per te blere DVD-ne ju lutem vitizoni ose kontaktoni 617-419-0617.

4) Festimet e Pavarsise se Kosoves fillojne ne javen e 17 Shkurt, 2011

Shoqata Kosovare e Bostonit deshiron te ju ftoj ne festimet e shpalljes se Pavarsise se Kosoves. Ne daten 17 Shkurt, Shoqata do te ngreje flamurin Kosovar ne sheshin Government Center ne Boston, ne oren 12:00. Naten e Shtune ne daten 19 Shkurt, do te shtrohet nje darke per te celebruar pavarsine e Kosoves te restorant Angelica’s ne Middleton. Cmimi eshte $50 per te rritur, $25 per femijet nen 13 vjec dhe falas per femijet nen 4 vjec. Te ftuar do te jene kengetaret: Aida Ndoci, Bujar Uka, dhe Arsim Mataj. Ketu mund te gjeni fletpalosjen dhe informacione me te gjera, ose mund te kontaktoni Albion Calaj ne emailin ose 617-953-8519.

5) Mbledhje fondesh humanitare per permbytjet e qytetit te Shkodres

Shume organizata ne NY po mbledhin leke dhe ndihma per qytetaret e Shkodres per t’i ndihmuar ne keto dite te veshtira. Cdo dhurim parash shkon te Kryqi I Kuq Shqiptar, i cili po asiston Shkodren me ushqime dhe nevoja baze ne keto dite te veshtira. Cdo ndihme do te ishte nje dhurate e vertet per atdhetaret tane ne Shkoder. Per me shume info vizitoni faqet e internetiti: -- Project Albania dhe Kryqi i Kuq Shqiptar.

6) AlbWorld Tashme ne Boston

AlbWorld TV Massachusetts transmetohet ne BNN TV ne Boston te merkurave ne oren 5.00 PM. Gjithashtu ju bejme me dije qe ne se dikush eshte i interesuar qe te jape njoftime te ndryshme, informacione personale apo ne sherbim te komunitetit shqiptar eshte i mirepritur . Kush te jete i/e intersuar mund te kontaktoni zt. Arben Kamberi ne emailin ose numrin e tel: 508-410-1534.

7) Takimi Vjetor i MAASBESA

Se shpejti do MAASBESA do te mblidhet per takimin e hapur vjetor per te zgjedhur bordin e ri drejtues si dhe oficeret. Takimi do te mbahet nga fundi i Shkurtit ose ne Mars. Data do te behet e ditur me vone, po ne do te kishim deshiren t’ju inkurajonim qe te merrni pjese dhe te jeni akoma me aktiv ne komunitetin tone. Jemi gjithmone te interesuar per anetare te rinj, te cilet kane deshire te marrin pjese ne krijimin e aktiviteteve tona dhe per te dhene idete e tyra ne funksionimin e shoqates sone. Gjithashtu ju inkurajojme te BEHENI ANTAR ZYRTAR.

Shpresojme t’ju shikojme sa me shpejt,



Dear Friends,

The Massachusetts Albanian American Society would like to call your attention to the following events and news items:

1) Albanian Community Dinner with Boston Mayor Thomas Menino on Tuesday February 1 at 6:00PM at Vlora Restuarant

A dinner will be held with Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and the Albanian Community on Tuesday February 1 at 6:00PM at Vlora Restaurant in the Back Bay. If you are interested to attend send an email to The cost of the dinner is $100. First come first serve -- seating is limited to around 30 people. Come and support our efforts to expand the influence of the Albanian community in Massachusetts as we discuss a variety of issues with Mayor Menino.

2) Registration for the BESA Albanian Language and Heritage School Spring Semester

Classes for the BESA Albanian Language and Heritage School begin the weekend of January 22nd. Please contact the School Coordinator, Elisabeta Nasi, if you or anyone you know isinterested. Classes are held for both children and adults on Saturdays and Sunday. The School has just completed its 4th year of operation, but we need your support and enrollment of adults and children's in classes in order to sustain it. Elisabeta Nasi can be reached at or 617-606-1735.

3) DVD of the First Massachusetts Albanian Folk Festival for Sale

The DVD for the First Massachusetts Albanian Folk Festival held in Boston on June 5th, 2010 is now available HERE. We would like to thank the Bashkimi Dance Group for its efforts in producing this DVD. It makes an excellent gift for yourself, relatives, or friends -- and it only costs $10 for three hours of thrilling entertainment. The performances of this show will take you on an imaginary journey throughout all Albanian lands, including Kosovo, Chameria, and Arberia. You will witness graceful dances from talented dance groups and beautiful songs from well known singers such as Aurela Gace and Xhoni Athanas, all accompanied by colorful traditional costumes and the melodic sounds of different traditional instruments.

4) Kosova Independence Celebration on Saturday February 19th

The Kosovar Society of Boston would like to invite you to its annual Independence Celebration on Saturday February 19th at Angelica's in Middleton. The cost is $50 for adults, $25, for children under 13, and free for children under 4. The entertainment will feature Aida Ndoci, Bujar Uka, and Arsim Mataj. You can click HERE for the flyer for complete information or contact Albion Calaj at or 617-953-8519.

5) Fundraisers for Flood Victims in Albania

There are a serious of fundraisers planned in New York City to assist victims of the recent floods in Albania. All donations go to the Albanian Red Cross. We have been asked to help support these activities in New York and encourage you to consider donating and informing others about these activities in New York. For more information you may visit these links -- Project Albania and Red Cross Albania.

6) AlbWorld TV Now in Boston

AlbWorld TV Massachusetts is now being broadcast in Boston on Boston Neighborhood Network TV every Wednesday at 5pm. You can watch it on TV or at the BNN Web-site. All are welcome to provide information, advertisements, and other information of interest to the Albanian Community. For more information contact Arben Kamberi, www.AlbanianWorld.US,, or call 508-410-1534.

7) Annual Meeting of MAASBESA

The Annual Meeting of MAASBESA to elect a new Board of Directors and Officers will be held some time in February or March -- we encourage all of you to consider getting more involved and to participate not only in our activities but also in the management and planning of the organization's activities. We always want new people to get involved in the community in order to better strengthen our collective efforts. We especially need someone with good web technology skills to get more involved and also someone with a good financial background. In the meantime we encourage all of you to BECOME A MEMBER OF MAASBESA.



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